Deploy ConcealBrowse on Windows 10+ using Intune and Win32 app Deploy ConcealBrowse on Windows 10+ using Intune and Win32 app

Deploy ConcealBrowse on Windows 10+ using Intune and Win32 app


Deploy the ConcealBrowse extension to Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Brave, and Mozilla Firefox on Windows 10+ endpoints seamlessly with Intune and wrapped MSI Installer.

Applies to

  • Microsoft Intune
  • Any edition of Windows 10 and 11 version 1709 and later

    • Windows Home, and S mode are not supported
  • Google Chrome 101+

  • Microsoft Edge version 77 and newer
  • Brave browser
  • Mozilla Firefox


  1. You may download the MSI Installer from this page: Deploying ConcealBrowse through the MSI
  2. Open your ConcealBrowse dashboard ( and navigate to the tab labelled Devices on the left side menu.
  3. On the Devices page, click Register New Device in the upper right hand corner.CompanyRegister_New.png
  4. Once you click on Register a New Device, you will see two variables generated for the Company ID and Site ID. These will be used as arguments during installation.

Intune Steps


If you are transitioning your deployment from an Intune Configuration profile or PowerShell Script to the MSI installer, please consider the following. You should edit the Configuration profile or script configuration and un-assign any groups. This will prevent conflicts between the two deployment methods. Ultimately you may delete the configuration profile and/or script configuration once MSI deployment is successful.

Create the win32 app (.intunewin)

These instructions assume you have experience wrapping installers with the Microsoft Win32 Content Prep Tool and have the tool on your device.

  1. Create a folder named Win-ConcealBrowse
  2. Place the ConcealBrowse MSI you downloaded earlier into that folder
  3. Launch the IntuneWinAppUtil.exe program (which is a part of the Microsoft Win32 Content Prep Tool)
  4. When prompted "Please specify the source folder:"
    1. Right click the Win-ConcealBrowse folder you created, and choose Copy as Path
    2. Paste the path into the prompt and press enter
  5. When prompted "Please specify the setup file:"
    1. Right click the ConcealInstaller.Windows_x64.msi file inside of the Win-ConcealBrowse folder, and choose Copy as Path
    2. Paste the path into the prompt and press enter
  6. When prompted "Please specify the output folder:"
    1. Enter the full path for the folder you would like to store the completed package
    2. We do not recommend using the Win-ConcealBrowse folder as it would be added to any future packages
  7. When prompted "Do you want to specify catalog folder:" Answer N
  8. You will now have a ConcealInstaller.Windows_x64.intunewin file

Create a new App

  1. In the Intune console, click Apps > Windows > +Add
  2. App Type: Windows app (Win32)
  3. Click Select
  4. Select file: Select the ConcealInstaller.Windows_x64.intunewin file you created
  5. Click OK
  6. Publisher: Conceal, Inc.
  7. Modify the install command to be:
    msiexec /qn /i "ConcealInstaller.Windows_x64.msi" COMPANYID="<YOUR COMPANY ID>" SITEID="<YOUR SITE ID>"
  8. Replace <YOUR COMPANY ID> and <YOUR SITE ID> with the values retrieved earlier from the dashboard. Example below:
    msiexec /qn /i "ConcealInstaller.Windows_x64.msi" COMPANYID="12345678-9012-3456-7890-123456789012" SITEID="abcdefgh-ijkl-mnop-qrst-uvwxyzabcdef"
  9. Click Next
  10. Requirements Page
    1. Operating system architecture: Generally choose 64-bit
    2. Minimum Operating System: Choose the lowest/oldest Windows 10 option
  11. Detection rules
    1. Rule format: Manually configure detection rules
    2. Click + Add, choose Rule type MSI, the other information will be auto-populated
    3. Click OK, then click Next
  12. For Dependencies and Supersedence, click Next
  13. Assign the script to a small test group of users before scaling up
  14. Click Next
  15. Click Create on the final page

Monitor run status

Intune devices check in when starting up and hourly for updates, thus restarting an assigned user's device will accelerate testing.

Monitor from Intune

  1. While still in Apps > Windows apps, click ConcealBrowse
  2. Click Device install Status

Monitor from the Device

  1. Open Add or Remove Programs
  2. ConcealBrowse will appear in this list once installed
